The Northern Cape Provincial Legislature Oversight


The Northern Cape Provincial Legislature (NCPL) is recognized as a critical institution for democratic development in the Northern Cape.  It is fundamental in establishing the rule of law, protecting human rights, overseeing transparent governance processes, and ensuring compliance with national and provincial legislation in the Northern Cape. 

Chapter 6 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 outlines inter alia the authority, composition, membership, powers, and proceedings of a legislature.  Legislatures are responsible for the passing of laws in the province, as well as call Members of the Executive (MECs) to account for their actions.  Oversight and accountability are therefore constitutionally mandated functions of legislatures to scrutinize and oversee executive action and any organ of the state.

When exercising its oversight responsibilities, the NCPL ensures that laws are implemented, budgets are applied for its intended purpose and there is strict observance of statutes and the Constitution.  The most important aspect of oversight however is to oversee the effective management of government departments in pursuit of improved service delivery for the achievement of a better quality of life for the people of the Northern Cape. 

Committees are established as instruments in the NCPL where internal arrangements, procedures and proceedings are developed to ensure oversight and accountability.  Committees will summons departments or any person or institution to make presentations on reports, matters identified by the Committee, and/or draft legislation.  During these meetings intense and detailed debate and scrutiny takes place.  Committees can undertake physical visits to projects or areas identified for fact-finding purposes.  In doing its oversight function, Committees can prevent abuse or illegal conduct on the part of government; improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations and improve transparency of government operations, thus enhancing public trust in government. 

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Developed with the financial support of the European Union NCPL Website Sponsored By EU NCPL Sponsored by Legislative Sector South africa
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Nobengula Extension, Legislature Building Foyer, Kimberley