
The Whippery is responsible for the daily conduct of MPLs with regard to the discharge of their responsibilities. Responsibilities of the Chief Whip extend to members of other parties who are represented in the Legislature.

Chief Whip

The Chief Whip is the most senior party Whip, upon whom rests the ultimate responsibility for the actions of all party’s MPL’s and is the most Senior Party Office Bearer, political manager and strategist and act as a communication links between the Legislature and the Executive.  

The Chief Whip of the majority party is the Chief Whip of the Legislature. The Chief Whip must maintain the dignity of Legislature and is responsible for ensuring the effective development and implementation of the legislative programme;   overall coordination and management of all whippery activities; liaison with the Executive through the Leader of the House and act as acts as an administrative officer to the Legislature parties.

The Chief Whip of the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature is MPL G Parker.


Each political party has a Whip. A Whip is a Political Office that is assigned to an elected Members of  the Legislature whose task is to administer the Whippery system of a Legislature and oversee its political and administrative functioning, as well as ensure that MPL’s attend and vote in the House and undertake their legislative duties, as the elected representatives of the people.

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